Roughed Grouse Weather

Chinook breezes began last night.  Over the past two days, temperatures rose from 15 degrees to almost 40 degrees.  Our Chinook is more change in temperature than the fierce drying winds of the prairie. Yesterday it rained.  Our 16 inches of snow are dense and melting into slush.  Wild animals are thawing out.  Ruffed grouse appear in the willow trees to eat buds and a hundred waxwings vacuum mountain ash berries from each tree.  Horses are frisky and love changes in the weather.

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I am Blogging. How did this happen?

After weeks of wondering if my brain and this blog site would ever find a common thread of consciousness, I was able to upload a photo of me in Horse Heaven and make this paragraph or two about Life, the Universe and Everything.

Life in Ultima Thule is frozen and quiet this time of year.  I’m not in Ultima Thule, but in northwest Montana under sixteen inches of snow and it feels like a place beyond the known world.  After 33 years, snow is still a beloved phenomenon.

The Universe is unlimited and we do not have written or oral words to describe it.

Everything is love and our purpose in life is to find it.  Horses represent that love and my purpose is to translate that love to humans.  Oh, not that one can’t find love everywhere; spouse, children, grandchildren, parents, family, friends, places, books, gardens, food.  What have I left out?  Art, music, spirituality, mountains, nature.  Horses help me focus my love, help me see love in other people and help me reflect love out to the world.  In other words, horses make me better at everything.

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